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130PT 4-Card Black Border UV ONE-TOUCH Magnetic Holder

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Barcode 074427154028
Items per case 48

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The 4-Card Black Border ONE-TOUCH display features a black border to perfectly frame your cards. Designed as the final destination for your collectible cards, our two-piece ONE-TOUCH holders are uniquely designed with slide-in hinge and magnetic closure so you'll never have to use a screwdriver again. The holder provides UV-resistant, no-PVC and acid free protection to ensure your valuable hit retains its condition while under display. Our ONE-TOUCH holders are ideal for presenting prized and super rare gaming cards as well. Has sawtooth hangers on the top and on the side of the display to allow displaying both vertical and horizontal format cards. This model can hold four standard cards (2-1/2" X 3-1/2") up to 130pt in thickness.
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